电池的最佳储存条件 |
电池最佳的储存条件取决于活性化学物质使用的细胞。在贮藏过程中细胞受到自我放电和可能的分解的化学成分。随着时间的推移溶剂中的电解质可通过渗透密封造成电解质干燥和失去其有效性。在所有情况下,这些过程是加速热,这是明智的存储细胞凉爽,良性环境最大化他们的货架寿命。手套箱的汽车没有资格作为一个合适的存储位置的温度会超过60摄氏°以来大大缩短电池寿命。 The battery's best storage condition is decided by the cell of live chemistry material use.In the process of storing in the cell is turned on electricity by ego with the chemistry composition of possible decomposition.Along with time of change the electrolyte in the melting agent can pass to permeate to seal completely to make electrolyte dry and lose its usefulness.Under the all condition, these processes are that the accelerations are hots, this is wise saving the cell is cool, the positive environment maximizes their shelf life span.The car of gloves box didn't entitle to is an accommodation of save the temperature of position will more than 60 Celsiuses ° consumedly shorten battery life. |